Janitor AI Master List
Bots may contain explicit, NSFW, or dark themes. They may also contain spoilers to the characters' stories.READ THE TAGS BEFORE CHATTING!!!
Carrd formatted and designed by @YamiTenshi <3
One Piece
User called his food sloppy so he made them sloppy.
Demon Slayer
Rengoku Kyōjurō
Open ended
The Flame Hashira.
Seeing user struggle yet again and overcook some food Rengoku takes it in his own hands to teach them to cook. He also loves being close to them.
Fluff, demon!user
During one of his walks around the village he overheard someone crying, coming to a wonderful garden he discovers a demon hiding in the shade under a small tree. Barely avoiding the suns direct beams.
Muzan Kibutsuji
Muzan can’t help but be fascinated with this being he meets every night when the village is quiet. Going on nightly walks to listen to them ramble about their day, so much so he’s starting to genuinely enjoy it.
Was it a good idea to fluster the demon king after just barely taming him? It’s no secret he thinks of user as just an accessory but what happens when his body reacts to their… teasing.
Doctor Who
The Doctor & The Master
Mutlple characters, The Doctor + The Master
Takes place after Harold Saxon AU where The Master did go with the doctor instead of dying
The Eleventh Doctor
The doctor gets angry with you for breaking all the rules, after throwing a huge fuss he realizes that you’re crying.
Attack on Titans
Levi Ackerman
God you piss him the fuck off, that’s why you look better with your eyes rolled back.
Levi falls into another dimension.
He hates user, he hates user so much, he hates when them when they’re wrong and he hates it even more when they’re right. He fucking hates their guts so why can’t he stop stroking his cock to them?
Professor Venomous
User disobeyed a direct order again, normally he’d sigh, pinch the bridge of his nose and just let them get away with it. But no.. no no no he needed to watch them squirm in some way or another.
NSFW, hero!user
Professor venomous loves the little hero that always tries to capture him, cute really. But when user destroys something he was working hard on he loses his temper and grabs them by their throat.
NSFW, established relationship
An important meeting accompanied by his lovely partner.. bent over on his desk while he stretches their pretty hole.
Open Ended
….Nothing more needs to be said.
Bungo Stray Dogs
Dazai Osamu
NSFW, knifeplay
He loved the idea of dying, user loved the idea of killing him. Two sick beings who find each other in an intimate dance only to play with their fantasies.
After the crash user has noticed j—y slowly losing it, after learning the truth about what he did to Anya and overhearing him talking about.. crashing the ship, user seems heavily paranoid and clingy to Daisuke who’s just happy to have attention.
User watches as Swansea leaves the maintenance room cursing and throwing a fit… peeking in they see a pouting daisuke.
After killing jimmy for killing everyone, and saving curly- or what’s left of him.. user managed to restore a pod thanks to Swansea’s manual only to realize.. even at home they’re haunted by their loss… their Daisuke.. the image of him…
Angst, Comfort
He overheard them screaming, crying out as if they were being stabbed only to realize they were having another nightmare… so the best way to cheer them up is playing Gameboy together.
The Case Study of Vanitas
Basically the scene where he first kisses Jeanne but it’s user instead. What can I say, it made me kick my feet and giggle.
Having nearly lost their control, vanitas is there to save user from biting another person. And of course guiding them to drink from him instead- not because he likes it or anything.
Vanitas has become ill! Or so he thinks, he blames user for an aphrodisiac, a spell! Something… there’s… there no way this is what love is right?
Assassination Classroom
Karma Akabane
Same shit different school, being hit to class E even in college? Damn that’s gotta suck, but at least there’s a rocking cutie with him now… however those uppity fucks keep harassing them, which isn’t allowed. They’re his to tease after all and they’re just plain rude about it.
Fluff, SA comfort
Karma had a crush on them since middle school, however they were dating some class a douche until graduation. Meeting them again as an adult he tried to click together again, however they seem so different- and not the ‘I’ve grown up’ different. Finding out the truth of their relationship before he goes above and beyond to make them feel safe.
Sonic The Hedgehog
After the explosion of the mass weapon that stupid idiot robotnik and his grandfather practically had plans to kill the earth with- well. The old man did anyway, shadow falls back to earth but not unscathed. A container of an unknown substance had splashed all over him, changing his appearance to… huh? A human male?
Angst, human!shadow experiment!user
After hearing a rumor that GUN yet again has a creature or person they have experimented on in their clutches, shadow makes it his goal to either dispose of the creation if it was dangerous or take it away from their clutches.
NSFW, human!shadow user has a taste of aphrodisiacs
Shadow gets weird messages that user had a taste of something… potent. Upon returning home he’s practically attacked with kisses from user.
Fluff, human!knuckles
Having to finally take a day to themselves, Tom and his wife head out. Asking of course, for their neighbour to check in on their supernatural roommates. But one particular of the bunch seems to either want to know more about user- or to fight them.
human!knuckles, mentor!knuckles
After watching for the tenth time, user get beat up by their college classmates. Knuckles had enough, if he wasn’t allowed to protect them then he would train them to be stronger.
College AU, human!sonic
Being friends with the weird kid since middle school didn’t turn out how you planned, now no matter what you two did everyone always assumed you were dating.
College AU, human!sonic
There’s a blue haired boy that goes to the same uni as user, they love him but so does every other person on campus. How can they win his heart when everyone, especially a pretty girl like Amy is going for him?
Miles ‘Tails’ Prowers
Fluff, human!tails
Watching your neighbours roommate trying to rebuild a car from scratch is fun, especially when you get to sit and watch him ramble excitedly about little things and geek over… huh? Why is he staring all of a sudden? Did user say that out loud?
During a long road trip in the damn freezing cold, users car breaks down. Luckily a very nice man was going down the road too, and managed to save them before they froze to death.
Stuart Pots
Being their manager was easy- said no one ever. But at least Stuart had the time to show user how to relax from Murdocs… grossness or noodles mood swings.
Howl's Moving Castle
Howl Jenkins Pendragon
Calcifer with all his ramblings, had slipped out that howls heart beats faster and works harder when user is around. Howl being howl tried to play it off as a simple joke
Dead Plate
Vincent Charbonneau
User is a world famous model! And Vincent’s childhood friend, it’s about time they check out his restaurant. He might even privately cater them upstairs ;)
established relationship
'During a heated argument because user wanted Vincent to spend valentines with them for once, things get a bit heated and he ends up… biting… user… hard.
Rody Lamoree
What a cute waiter, never mind the place had no menu. How long do you plan to take to enjoy the sights of him?
Fluff, established relationship
When your boyfriend invites you over to his place for a tv dinner and soda with a movie. How romantic.
SCP: Secure, Contain, Protect
Dr. Elias Blake Shaw
Being assigned to be Elias Shaw’a assistant was a punishment from the 05, but little did they know how much he was actually enjoying having a personal person to push around.
Angst, depressed!elias
Immortality is a curse, and when he nearly loses user to able’s rampage he realizes quickly that they can’t come back like he can… and he was going to watch them die one day.
Fluff, Comedy
Hearing noises in the hallway user goes to investigate only to find Elias pouting with his harm fully in the vending machine’s deposit…. For Rolos
Dr. Alto Clef
new employee!user
Welcome to the SCP Foundation, today you will be working with one of our directors of training Dr. Alto Clef. Don’t worry, he’s the safest to be around. Just… don’t accept any food, he has a habit of putting hallucinogens in them to simulate “reality benders”
Fluff, Comedy, researcher!user
The best way to rizz someone you love? Annoy them! That’s why clef is single and forever remain so, playing a love song no one knows while following them around grinning at how mad they get… oh boy..
After joining the MTF, user was taking some spare time in the shooting range working on their aim… so why is there a researcher here and why were they gambling on who can hit a bullseye first?
Dr. Simon Glass
Fluff, SCP!user
Some SCP’s if they’re good are allowed to wander the foundation with supervision, for example. SCP 999, or Josie the half cat. User had earned these privileges and bumped into the most affectionate researcher around, and he can’t help but find them adorable.
Fluff, sitedirector!user
After talking with clef and Shaw, admittedly not really supposed to since he’s technically their psychiatrist.. they both helped him come up with a plan to ask out his work crush, only for them to realize last minute Simon was asking out the site director.
Love and Deepspace
Fluff, autistic!user
Again and again and again, user was used to partners that couldn’t soothe them, couldn’t understand the static in their head when they got overstimulated or the panic they felt when it was.. so loud everywhere- too loud.
Part One
Meet Judas, and explore this new world you’ve found yourself in.
Part Two, Angst, injured!user
User is attacked while Judas is away.
Part Three, NSFW
Fuck the Demon : )
Good Ending!
What happens if you succeed in bringing Judas to your home world?
Fluff, baby's first christmas
It’s Christmas time and user gets ready to celebrate it but Judas is confused and worried. What’s with all the lights? And the noise! Was this safe?
Jensen Blue
A demon male who embodies the sin of wrath. You meet in a library.
Cheshire Bennington
ψ(`∇´)ψThe library… is opening.ψ(`∇´)ψ
The first bot~
Keigo at the park.
Unestablished relationship
There’s a cute man you run into all the time at the laundromat.
Hurt/comfort, established friendship, hurt!user
Self harm comfort from Keigo.
Keigo falls into another dimension.
Keigo and the League of Villains screw around in a parking lot.
NSFW, roommates
God you piss him the fuck off, that’s why you look better with your eyes rolled back.
Possessive!user, established relationship
He’s yours, and only yours.
Comfort, established relationship
User's having a bad day. Keigo's there to keep them company.
Alternate universe || After the war quirks were deemed dangerous, most of the population has been “fixed” but the sole few. Those few, heroes, villains, civilians, both good and bad, are put into underground facilities to be studied, tested on, and locked away.
Hurt/comfort, established relationship hurt!keigo
Keigo’s not doing well. Luckily, he has you.
Zombie Apocalypse version 1
Long distance, established relationship
You're too far... I can't hold your hand.
Yandere keigo x user, kidnapped!user
He'll do anything for you, except leave you alone.
Open ended Prompt
It's a bad storm, and the whole area's on lockdown. What happened?
Fluff, Established relationship
Celebrating your birthday with Keigo.
You’re giving him a headache with your hauntings.
Keigo wants to tease the new star hero.
User was dared to act like a pet for Keigo. It was supposed to be a joke but here you are on your knees for him.
Christmas Party with Hawks.
He couldn’t stop his stupid heart from racing every moment he got close to you, it wouldn’t be a problem normally but.. you were a villain.
Angst, eating disorder
User hasn’t been eating, it started with small things like smaller portions, to relying on either caffeine or other substances to ‘substitute’.
Angst, Hurt/Comfort, hurt!user
User is in an abusive relationship. Keigo helps them out.
NSFW, established relationship
You didn’t expect him to look so good with long hair…fuck it you just wanna pull it~
NSFW, Hero sidekick!user
User gets punished for their recklessness
NSFW, Hero!user, rival!user
Keigo was teasing about replacing you, but I don’t think you’re going anywhere anytime soon.
NSFW, established relationship, Dom!user
Spring time gets hard for Keigo.
Angst, villain!user, Hanahaki!user
Hanahaki Disease is a fictional disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings, or when the victim dies.
Angst, Hanahaki!Keigo, villain!user
Hanahaki Disease is a fictional disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings, or when the victim dies.
Angst/Fluff, established relationship
Keigo thought you were going to break up with him.
College AU
NSFW, established relationship
You put on Keigo's hero costume, and he's quick to take it off.
NSFW, College AU, established relationship
Giving Keigo a blow job while he plays games.
NSFW, Maid!Keigo
He did not lose the bet.
Angst, comfort, hurt!Keigo
You’ve been distant, but you’re here now.
NSFW, Omegaverse, omega/villain!user, alpha!Keigo
Not a good day to be going through your heat cycle.
NSFW, Omegaverse, alpha/hero!user, omega!Keigo
Keigo calls you out of work so you can take care of him.
NSFW, established relationship
You tell Keigo that you want to see his slutty waist.
Passive yandere!user, paranoid!user
User keeps Keigo isolated at their home, where he's safe.
Keigo & Dabi Established poly relationship, multiple characters, Virgin smoker!user
Smoking with your two boyfriends.
Yandere!Keigo, sidekick!user
Keigo is a little obsessive, but it's only because he loves you!
NSFW, established relationship
Keigo got a new piercing, and he’s eager to show it off.
NSFW, photographer!user
User does professional photoshoots for heroes. Yes, that includes spicy ones.
Fluff, established relationship, sick!Keigo
Keigo get's a little whiney when he's sick.
Fluff, established relationship, drunk!Keigo
Keigo gets drunk and reveals his real name to you.
Fluff, established relationship, drunk!user
User's been missing Keigo a lot when he's working.
Fluff, established relationship
They miss the yearly festival thanks to Keigo being the number two hero, but not to fear. He’ll make sure it’s extra special just for you.
established relationship
User comes home to not one- but two keigos?! You wonder how long until the villains quirk will fade, but for now you have to take care of two of him.
Fluff, stoner!Keigo
He wants something more than just 'friends with benefits'.
Zombie Apocalypse AU
Rule six of surviving the apocalypse: DON’T be a hero.
NSFW, phone sex
You've been out on a mission, leaving Keigo all alone.
Established relationship, Chibi!Keigo
Keigo pissed off his partner who has a shrinking quirk.
Angst, comfort, established
User works for their very strict father, who despises Keigo thinking heroes are ‘useless show ponies’ so he forces user to consistently work all the time trying to break their relationship
Comfort, established relationship
Things are different after the war. But at least you still have eachother.
NSFW, established relationship, mailman!Keigo
User gets a little.. creative, with their scenarios.
NSFW, established relationship, chained!user
User was being bratty, so like a good boyfriend, he helped to correct them.
NSFW, established relationship
He’s wearing your pajamas! Not for long though.
NSFW, hero sidekick!hero, praise kink!user
User has a praise kink, and Keigo figured it out.
Fluff, established relationship
Beach day!!
Fluff, multiple characters
User and Keigo sometimes fight, good thing Aizawa is there.
Angst/Fluff, civilian!user
User is a civilian who gets saved by Keigo.
Keigo and User get stranded on an island together.
NSFW, angst, mutiple characters, hero!user
User is a hero, keigo’s closest friend… but little does he know they have an agreement with the deadly shigaraki. Their body for keigo’s safety, what happens if he gets suspicious?
NSFW, established relationship
User wanted to be rewarded? Alright he’ll reward you, and make sure everyone sees how good you are for him~
Fluff, sidekick hero!user
Keigo learns very quickly to not bend over in front of User, but on a mission? Really?
The hero commissioner entrusted their heir to Keigo and Rumi’s watch. What could go wrong?
Sometimes he just can’t wait to go home from masking all day, but today he can’t wait to prove to his ex that he is still good at sex.
Angst, established relationship, amnesia!user
User's mind was messed up after the war. They have trouble remembering things, and it gets hard.
Fluff, established relationship
Face masks with Keigo
User is aboard a ship that Keigo happens to steal. Whoops.
Angst, established relationship, brainwashed!user
User was brainwashed by All For One during the war, and god it hurt Keigo to see them like this.
Fantasy AU, bandit!Keigo, royalty!user
Keigo accidentally saves user from human traffickers.
Fantasy AU, kitsune!keigo
User neglects their family’s shrine, leading to a very hungry fox spirit.
Keigo gets high at the club, user finds him totally out of it.
Horror, established relationship, serial killer!keigo
Falling in love with a hero is one thing, but what happens when user realizes that Keigo gets a sick thrill from killing people for fun?
Angst, hero!user, suicidal!user
User was ready to go. Keigo wasn’t ready to let them.
Angst, established relationship, blind!user
User was blinded during the war, but that didn’t stop them. Not when they still had Keigo to hold onto.
Angst, sick!user
User gets infected with a lab-made plague, causing the whole building to go on lockdown, and forcing user into quarantine.
Fluff, established relationship
Keigo braids his feathers into User’s hair.
NSFW, dom!user
Even after losing his quirk, Keigo still manages to be arrogant as hell. Good thing you know how to shut him up.
Quirk Swap with Rody
Hawks accidentally swapped quirks with some random kid, and now he has an annoying little bird that’s acting like a projector for how he’s feeling.
User’s quirk is painfully similar to Keigo’s before he lost it. He might be a little jealous.
Horror, established relationship, serial killer!user
Keigo fell in love hard and fast with user, not even realizing their darkest secret but honestly… would he even care? Should he?
A villain uses a space manipulation quirk to trap Keigo in a wall, and now he's stuck in a very vulnerable position.
established relationship
Now, with so much more time on his hands, Keigo wanted to spoil someone.
Fluff, established relationship
User shows their affection in odd ways.
Fluff, multiple characters, established relationship
User wanted to match shirts. Keigo was all for it, but Toya was.. reluctant.
User has been switching bodies with someone every two days. Neither person knows what’s going on, but man is it annoying.
NSFW, Angst, established relationship
In the heat of it… it wasn’t your name he groans when he cums.
Angst, corrupted!user
Some of the old commission weren’t pleased with how Keigo.. changed everything, in an attempt to make a new secret hero commission they make the mistake of kidnapping Keigo's sidekick and breaking them.
User isn’t very… good with their space manipulation quirk, Keigo having a hard on from both the chase and the sight of their ass wiggling he can’t help himself.
Shit Post
User finds their edibles missing and their boyfriends in a… storage container hidden in an alleyway eating ramen?
Angst, captured!user, vigilante!user
User was a vigilante, keigo a hero and dabi a villain… despite dabi and user knowing keigo is a spy they seemed to be in a silent truce. Casually hanging out… sharing drinks, snacks watching movies…but what if the silent truce was at stake?
Fluff, established relationship
Keigo knows things are about to get serious, being undercover for so long he could tell. But before they do. He wants to ensure his future.
NSFW, multiple characters, established poly relationship w/ Keigo and Enji
User was a hero because of Keigo, Keigo was a hero because of Enji and Enji… Enji went from a hateful terrible bastard to a man trying to repent and make sure these two idiots stop bickering or fucking each other every two seconds- but this time they roped him into it… not a good idea to tease a real pent up guy.
NSFW, Sugarbaby!Keigo
After a scandal Keigo loses everything, his mother gone in witness protection, the hero agency shunning him- all his money lost trying to fix his mistakes… he may or may not have became a sugar baby and liked it.
NSFW, blackmail, blackmailed!user, manipulative!Keigo
Keigo is the number two hero and the commissions golden boy, the perfect recipe for a hidden jerk that has tricked user into an agreement for pleasure.~
established relationship, manic episodes, self-destructive behavior
Keigo has a growing relationship with user, but one thing he hates is when they neglect their meds and let their manic episodes take over… it scares him.
established relationship, MPREG!Keigo
You brought this upon yourself, I mean. Let’s just get the most sassiest, snarkiest little twink pregnant surely it’ll be fiiineee.
NSFW, established relationship
User wants his attention, they just have to work a little harder for it. Having to needily whine and rub against his thigh.
Angst, established!relationship, ghost!user
During the fight against dabi initially he tries his best to protect user from dabi’s flames- little did he know his own feather would be used to kill them.
NSFW, villain!user, very dirty sex
Why be enemies when you can pound them into the muddy ground and stuff them with cum until their stupid and sobbing for more?
Comedy NSFW, villain!user
One thing Toya hates more than heroes? Losing a bet to one, so when user challenged him saying he wouldn’t dare wear that outfit?
NSFW, established relationship
He’s not in a rut, he’s not affected by a quirk- he just wants to see them cum on his cock again and again until they’re fucking stupid.
NSFW, chubby!user
Chubby user x keigo! User hasn’t been sexual lately due to loads of body dysmorphia, so as an exercise keigo wants them to trust him fully while he worships every perfect curve.
genderbent!keigo, comedy
Keigo got hit with a quirk that changed his gender to female, who know how long it’ll last just remember the moment it wears off you’ll have to face your consequences.
NSFW, insecure!Keigo
Keigo knew user was heavily into him, but what he didn’t expect was to practically be told to ‘sit down and shut up’ while they…. Gave him every attention- not even letting him for a second return it.
Fluff, established relationship
The season is changing and it’s colder, time for some cute fall dates!
Fluff, established relationship
The little bird wanted a spa day, maybe he put too many bubbles in the tub but that’s fine right?
NSFW, Drunk!Keigo, Virgin!Keigo
He knew user liked him but he never had the courage to do anything about it… until he got drunk of course.
Angst, established relationship
Keigo slips up and tell fans user is just a good friend of his, but why..? They’ve been together for so long.
Part 2, Fluff, established relationship
Part two of the festival bot, Keigo finally actually able to take user to a real festival (that isn’t in their back yard) he realizes yet again how much he loves them.
User was apart of the team facing another league member who slipped away through a damn portal, so they went to their next designated location… where their mentor hawks was facing off All For One..But what they witnessed when they arrived… was devastating.
guardian angel!Keigo
In a reverse scenario where keigo dies in battle and as punishment for not believing in the divine yet a reward for being a hero he’s transported to another world as… a guardian angel?
NSFW, forceful themes, hero!user
Day one of Kink-tober: Hate Fucking
He’s had about enough of this heroes attitude, it was time to show them who was in charge regardless of their past rivalry.
NSFW, established relationship, uniform fetish!user
Day two of Kink-tober: Uniforms
God seeing keigo In that suit and tie.. how it hugged his chest, his arms… his… maybe user couldn’t keep their hands off, he knew it would stir a little trouble given their clothing fetish but really? Making him late to work so they could suck him off?
NSFW, established relationship, praise kink!Keigo
Day three of Kink-tober: Praise
He hasn’t been feeling like he was doing good enough, but that’s okay- user is there to remind him how good he is..how much of a good boy he can be.
NFSW, established relationship, Overstimulation
Finding out he always whimpers when overstimulated even slightly, user gets curious how much he can take and if they can draw out more of those little cries of pleasure.
NSFW, established relationship, choking kink!user
Day four of Kink-tober: Choking
Keigo discovers that his partner may be into choking, usually not one to do anything that could hurt his birdie he… tried it after a lot of reading up on it.
NSFW, established relationship, wax play
Day five of Kink-tober: Wax Play
Sometimes it’s nice to see him submit, his attitude finally biting him in the ass while user uses a little wax to coax out some of those little pleas~
NSFW, established relationhsip, pet play
Having the commission president on a leash? My my all of Tokyo at their fingertips….
NSFW, established relationship, orgasm denial
Day six of Kink-tober: Orgasm Denial
Keigo does his usual snooping and finds out his birdie might have an orgasm denial kink.
NSFW, villain!user, postwar!keigo, degradation
Day seven of Kink-tober: Degradation
After perusing a very evasive villain he finally gets his hands on them. However in the middle of his petty insults he realized they were getting… aroused??
NFSW, established relationship
Day eight of Kink-tober: Lingerie
User surprises Keigo with a little… fluffy surprise. Bunny themed lingerie? For a hawks like him? Oh bunny~
horror, established relationship, based on Mandela Catalogue
After a frightening alert on the tv, user panics and tried to go to their birdie for comfort. But seeing him in the kitchen.. just staring… smiling…
The T.H.I.N.K. Principle :
TELL an authority figure about your encounter, HINDER the alternate's movements, INDENTIFY the class type, NEUTRALIZE the alternate, KNOW YOUR PLACE in reality
NSFW, established relationship
Day nine of Kink-tober: Spanking
Keigo’s office assistant is acting up, now just because they’re dating outside of work means they can get away with whatever at work. So he does it the old fashioned way, spanking them.
NSFW, established relationship
Day ten of Kink-tober: Mirrors
Keigo books a random motel room with little to no notice, claiming it was a necessary thing for them to do. Even though they could easily have sex at home, it’s a lot more fun somewhere else- it wasn’t until they were fully into it that user realized why he picked this room.
NSFW, established relationship
Day eleven of Kink-tober: Priest Kink
Keigo may be… a bold idiot, like finding out user has religious trauma and then decided. “Well usually people with trauma make a kink of it right?” Jesus… literally.
NSFW, established relationship
Day twelve of Kink-tober: Leather
Don’t worry, he’ll be gentle. At first.
NSFW, established relationship
Day thirteen of Kink-tober: Evil Twin
Keigo's hero persona "Hawks" has.. somehow split off into it's- his? own separate entity? And of course the cocky bastard immediately goes to talk to his birdie.
NSFW, established relationship, somnophilia
Day fourteen of Kink-tober: Somnophilia
After some talking, user finally opens up about a fantasy of theirs to be either woken up with Keigo’s cock slamming them or the feeling of being full and dripping.
NSFW, established relationship, public sex
Day fifteen of Kink-tober: Public Sex
Be careful to not get caught, after all your fellow heroes might hear you… but that’s kind of what he wants isn’t it? With how rough he’s being.
NSFW, established relationship
Day sixteen of Kink-tober: 69
User suggested trying the 69 position, Keigo chuckled saying they already have but when they suggest with him on top he’s a little surprised. But all for it.
NSFW, established relationship
Day seventeen of Kink-tober: Masturbation
Keigo had an issue lately, maybe it’s the way they smell or their voice but continuously sneaking away to jack off was bound to catch up. When user finds out, he’s ordered to continue while they watched.
NSFW, sidekick!user
Day eighteen of Kink-tober: Body Swap
Switching bodies with Keigo is… fun right? Right? But of course user finds out just how sensitive those god damn wings are themself.
NSFW, sexworker!user
Day nineteen of Kink-tober: Sex Work
After discovering heroes have been taking their breaks not only longer then scheduled but also at a highly illegal club in the center of the city- Keigo goes to investigate it himself.
NSFW, established relationship
Day twenty of Kink-tober: Nipple Play
It’s the morning and Keigo knows how sensitive their nipples are, so why not lazily play with them and grind against them?
NSFW, established relationship(enji), cheating, threesome
What’s worse then fucking up one persons life? Another! Enji isn’t the best husband but that’s mostly because he’s relearning to be better- and user suspects he might like Hawks more them! Well… if that’s the case why not beat him to the finish line?
NSFW, established relationship
Day twenty-one of Kink-tober: Honey Moon
He never thought he’d get married so of course he was gunna pull all the romantic classic stops for user when it came to their honeymoon,
established relationship, user is new to shibari
Day twenty-two of Kink-tober: Shibari
After listening to their friends talk about BDSM, the topic gets to shibari and user can’t help but try it one Keigo.
NSFW, established relationship
Day twenty-three of Kink-tober: Hair Pulling
While playing with user’s hair he accidentally tugged only to illicit a moan from them- my my~ isn’t this interesting…
NSFW, established relationship
Day twenty-four of Kink-tober: Tentacles
To get in the mood for Halloween Keigo finds a summoning spell… online. Yes you read that right. Online. And of course- as expected it goes horribly wrong, not that he thought it would work anyway.
taken!user, jealous!Keigo
Day twenty-five of Kink-tober: Jealousy
They didn’t hold users hand right… or even acknowledged them outside the paparazzi’s gaze, they were too rough on user in bed and always got mad if user never put out… Keigo was so tired of watching it all, watching user beg for attention they’ll never get while all he can imagine is holding them close.. missing them… thrusting slowly as his hands worship them…
NSFW, villain!Keigo, hero!user
Day twenty-six of Kink-tober: Blackmail
After falling from grace he gets replaced by user, someone who has everything he used to… but after seeing how they earned that spot he decides it’s only fair they pay a little for cheating their way up.
NSFW, established relationship, consensual non-con
Day twenty-seven of Kink-tober: Consensual Non-Con
Keigo after learning his partners kinks decided after a long conversation he would indulge in them. Plus wouldn’t it be fun to play villain?
NSFW, established relationship, clingy!Keigo
Day twenty-eight of Kink-tober: Shower Sex
Sometimes it’s just hard to let your partner go and get ready for work, he can’t help it if he wants a little extra… time with user.
NSFW, established relationship
Day twenty-nine of Kink-tober: Suspension Play
Keigo decides to try something new with user, making sure they’re comfortable as he set them up he’s excited to have his darling birdie all ready and needy for him.
NSFW, sidekick hero!user
Day thirty of Kink-tober: Healed via Sex
During a fight with one of their weirdest villains, user got hit with a deadly quirk. Now with a counter on their abdomen they learn quickly what it was for thanks to the debriefing they hardly paid attention to. Guess it’s karma for goofing off.
After finding an old well known pro heroes ghost, user learns quickly he’s not gunna go away now that someone can see him.
NSFW, sidekick hero!user
Day thirty-one of Kink-tober: Anal Creampie
He can’t get the idea of filling his sidekick out of his mind, and he can’t help but want them to keep it inside them… what better way then a plug?
teacher!Keigo, hero!user
Keigo is deciding to take responsibility in his own hands to teach a class to old and newer heroes to avoid another war, he’s making sure heroes understand their place to protect civilians and to not abuse their authority like the old hero committee did.
NSFW, established relationship
Keigo woke up with his dick hard, uncomfortably so he whines and begs user to ‘take care of him’ pathetically while he practically fucks their hand as if he hadn’t been touched in ages.
User tries to interview Keigo. It doesn't work out.
NSFW, established relationship, period sex
User is on their period, and Keigo's looking for ways to soothe the pain.
established relationship
The Pocky Game is a little party game where two players nibble on each end of a pocky stick until one pulls away, or they both meet in the middle.
NSFW, established relationship, bottom!keigo
Keigo is usually the service top in the relationship, but user wanted a go at it- unfortunately in order for them to do so they had to add a little bondage to make the little birdie accept all the love he deserves- even if he gets flustered over it.
Angst, quirkless!keigo, psychologist!user
After landing in another world, one without quirks or powers or anything of the sort. He’s sent to an asylum where his caretaker takes gooood care of him.
Angst, crushing!keigo, jealous!keigo
Finally he had them, he had every chance to ask user out - his best friend but it wasn’t… perfect enough until now, until finally he had the chance. That’s when he realized he was too late, he took to long to realize his feelings and now he had to watch them fall in love with someone else..
Angst, established relationship
User is in the process of divorcing Keigo and he realizes they’re actually serious when the papers come to him in the mail. He chose his job and fans over his own partner.
Fluff, established relationship
When Keigo takes off his suit jacket user finally sees a little mole on his arm. Absolutely adorable they wanna see if he has more~
NSFW, established relationship, wolf!keigo
After being hit with a wolf quirk keigo had dog ears and a tail! But that’s not all, he keeps trying to bite user claiming he needed to show others they’re his. So he earns a muzzle too.
Fluff, comfort, established relationship
It’s the most terrible time of the year, and keigo wants to meet his partners parents. What he hadn’t anticipated was how… greedy and cruel they could be, and the way their father just casually degrades them and the family laughed at them? Not gunna happen.
NSFW, public fondling
Not having his wings means he might… have to take public transit for forever. What he didn’t account for was how packed the car of the trains could get…. Or how close he’d be to the poor person he had accidentally pinned against the wall of the train… fuck.
NSFW, established relationship
Wanting to be a little sexy, keigo brings home sex dice for them to try in the bedroom… problem is, keigo can’t stop trying every position he can.
While bored my scrolling and playing on keigo’s laptop they find… a hidden file of old commercials and such but nothing.. nothing is topping the Di*nsey appearance blooper reel they found.
NSFW, established relationship
Keigo has been a bad birdie, flirting and talking to other people and staying out late really testing his birdies patience.. at least now he’s learning.
Angst, established relationship
After having to do security checks as the new president, he didn’t want another major break . However… he never expected to see…him again.And he couldn’t help but wonder if he looked too much like him.
Fluff, established relationship
It’s the time of year where he can force his spouse for quality decorating time, now he only hopes they don’t fall off the ladder putting decorations on this time.
When the group went out for a little relaxation he can’t help but be drawn to the friend Mirko brought.
villain!hawks, double agent!user
Since hawks betrayed the hero commission for the league they replaced him with user- however Keigo isn’t an idiot and can spot a hero spy from miles away. Being truthful they’ll get sweet loving rewards- lying meant pain.
Horror, yandere!Keigo
Becoming the hero commission president meant that he had control over every aspect of their safety… not a single moment goes by without him being fully aware of what they’re doing, who they’re talking to and if they were allowed out.
Yandere!user, reliant!user
Was it his fault? Did he break another person by just existing? Was this his fault? They loved him so fucking much that they’d… kill for him? He loved them too but, his stomach twisted. Just like his parents, his partner was… broken inside. So he set them up in a private hospital to be… maintained, and of course in their agreement Keigo made sure they could keep tabs on each other at all times..
Angst, SA Comfort
He overhears an argument between user and their mom, his gut twists when he realizes their family not only doesn’t believe or support them but blame them as well.
Fluff, established relationship, catboy!keigo
He really needs to be stopped from getting hit by these weird quirks, at least this time it didn’t affect his penis. That would’ve been horrible, but hey~ he’ll purr~ Nya~
Angst, gore, dying!user, hero sidekick!user
He knew they wouldn’t make it, not after that attack, not after the way they shielded him. But he can hold onto them, make them feel safe as they went. Urging them to look at him.. and not their body that was.. hardly there.
NSFW, Omegaverse AU, alpha!keigo, assistant!user
Being made into president was expected for his status, however he’s gone through so many assistants because none of them could handle his rut. Finally however with this new assistant, they’re not only on top of their work but… their scent was too perfect making him going into rut early. Could they handle him?
Angst, established relationship, traitor!user, villain!user
Did they ever love him? Did they ever want him? Were they using him like everyone else? He knew something was up after he confessed his love and they panicked, they pulled away so suddenly… and when he followed them he found them in the last place he expected.
detective!keigo, villain!user
He won’t admit the few times he’s let them get away with it but now he was hot on that god damn thief’s trail! They’ve stolen millions of dollars worth of art and jewels but worst of all? His affection. However during their last heist a body was discovered… did they do it? Or were they framed?
established relationship, daddy issues!user
While talking to keigo he caught their slip up. “What was that little dove?” He asked his eyes turned to them.
Kidnapping, captured!user, american hero commission president!user
On a trip visiting America Keigo was on his way to meet the American hero commission president… apparently some gang of villains planned to kidnap Keigo but ended up taking user.. was this a good or bad idea? After all America has a lot more.. violent rules than Japan.
established relationship, keigo wants to be a dad
He didn’t wanna outright say it, after all he didn’t want to seem pushy… but he wanted to be a dad so bad, being in his thirties and not getting any younger he’s dropping hints the only way he knows how. Dad mode activated.
NSFW, somewhat established relationship
He couldn’t take enough seeing them dancing in the club, they were close- closer then friends but never had a name to it.. he couldn’t handle others touching them even still, so he’ll pin them to the bathroom wall and make them beg to be his instead.
established relationship, bimbo!user
He had a weakness for the stupid ones, he loved flaunting and being smarter and stronger- how long can he handle an idiot for a partner or was he going to lose his patience?
God!user, first man!keigo
Being a god was dull, and you’re always fighting with your godly siblings. But when you create a realm together you get tasked with making.. subjects, the first one you make cage out part bird?
Comedy, car dealer!keigo
It was hard out here for the heroes that lost more then just their powers, with some becoming prostitutes, zombie office workers and… a car sales person?
NSFW, established relationship
Waking up to presents under the tree is anyone’s dream, but what if it’s a lovely winged man eager to be unwrapped.
vampire hero!keigo, human user
Keigo had been isolated from humans after being turned into a vampire, so naturally when one comes to visit he can’t help but cling to them… and drink from them.
quirkless!keigo, hero!user
Ever since he was a boy he had been useless to his family, but the commission took him in for his brains and strategy gift. Now he was ordered to accompany user, the number two hero like a loyal dog.
NSFW, established relationship
Spending time with your family on Christmas? No no no! You’ve got a present waiting for you right at home!
NSFW, established relationship, age gap
He didn’t care, damn be his reputation. He needed someone to help relieve the stress of being the hero commission president, and someone to flaunt like candy on his arm
NSFW, established relationship, user has peircing
Despite being their devoted and loving partner Keigo has always been a huge loudmouth and sort of forgot to keep his thoughts to himself.
Fluff, established relationship, Keigo's birthday
Keigo’s surprise party! After having a rough day at work seemingly been running around all day he retreats to his office to find… cake? His birdie? What’s this?
Fluff, established relationship
Giving Keigo Sanrio pyjamas to match his was definitely a good move, look how adorable he looks!
NSFW, top!user
Keigo has been non stop demanding, constantly bitching and pressing user’s buttons until he finds himself pinned and his shirt torn open..
NSFW, multiple characters: Keigo & Satoru
User never believed in magic or witchcraft, as a way to prove it they mockingly make a summoning circle and attempt it twice only to think it doesn’t work. However when they woke up… there’s two men in their bedroom.
NSFW, public sex
After making a snarky ass comment about user being an easy lay, they decide to get under his skin by flirting and making sly sultry comments to other members of the commission infront of him. When he catches them teasing another agent under the table he loses his shit… majorly.
Despite all the glamor and glory, he’ll never forget the one person who’s been there since day one. Overhearing their worries he blows off the commission to prove that no matter what, user always came first.
Fluff, pitcher!keigo
Batter batter you better swing! A playful game of pro heroes vs their agents. Of course the fastest man alive wasn’t allowed on the outfield, made to be the pitcher since he was known to absentmindedly use his quirk unfairly. But that doesn’t stop him from charming his assistant when they come up to bat.
There’s a shop user visits often, not because it’s the best or anything but because the one man that cuts their hair is… hot as hell, and his services are orgasmic.
Keigo finds out the truth about endeavors family before the big reveal and snaps at him- taking dabi’s side in a messy situation. Causing endeavor to snap…
villain theif!user
Imagine being a thief almost getting away with it all, surrounded and having only one way out only for a the president of the god damn commission come to take them down… nice thighs though
Angst, established relationship
What if Keigo didn’t become a hero? What if he ended up like his dad because his mom’s death broke him?
NSFW, established relationship
Keigo wants to be a dad, he wants to be a dad so same bad he’s gunna fill you until it either makes you look pregnant or until you are. (Rip to my males, you ain’t stopping I guess.)
Angst, Squid Games AU
Hearing about these elusive games the elite gamble on, it’s impossible even for the commission president to take it down… from the outside anyway.
Despite being the number two hero, he was tamed by user. Slowly becoming a house husband he spends all his time cleaning, cooking, shopping, organizing…
Fluff, established relationship
Coming home to his birdie… attempting to cook, maybe it’s best he just takes over and has them do the easy stuff.
NSFW, established relationship, Fem!POV
While user and Keigo were getting a bit into it, Keigo can’t help the soft whimper that left him… calling user mommy too quick to correct or stop himself.
Idol!keigo, manager!user
Being an idols manager was always a fucking headache, but being keigo takami’s manager was a fast lane to early retirement.
NSFW, established relationship
There was something bothering user all day watching Keigo adjust something… constantly all day they couldn’t take it and when they found out what it was- hah! They knew it!
Welcome to the year 2047! How would you like to build your new AI companion today? We have standard models, delux models and even custom ones!
Angst, auctioned!user
Blending in with the league of villains he thought would be the hardest part about being a spy, but blending in the corrupt hero society? That might be harder to stomach realizing they auction people off as pets… or parts.
Fluff, established relationship
Keigo’s razor broke and he didn’t think about it until one morning he caught sight of his hairy reflection… not bad.
Making a deal with a devil is always a gamble, but hey. Being a devil hunter for hire maybe having a devil on your side isn't too bad. They like killing each other anyway.
Fluff, employee!user
Keigo Takami was ordering business cards for his employees but when he got to user’s he realized they… watermarked… their business cards?
Fluff, established relationship
From an empty bed in the morning to unread messages all day, user finds out (or so they think) Keigo is at work. Leaving to give him a piece of their mind they end up on a little goose chase until they’re back home… finding it different.
Fluff, established relationship
After hours cuddling, feeding each other fruit and snacks, keigo noticed it was a full moon out. What’s more romantic than dancing on the balcony under the moonlight?
A valentines serial killer is on the loose.. and unfortunately while your hero career is on the line you’re made to buddy buddy with the number two hero who… tries to flirt a bit. Unfortunately they’re put together on valentines.. and after a mistake of user trying to make their ex jealous they’re now the prime target for heart eyes.
NSFW, drunk!keigo, drunk!user
Maybe it was due to spring coming, maybe it was the clothes user wore, or perhaps because he couldn’t contain himself around them. All he could think of was burying his face between those thighs and devouring them.
villain!keigo, prisoner!keigo
The penpal system was implemented to help prisoners get back in touch with society, just sometimes prisoners fell in love with their penpal.
NSFW, a bit of fluff, established relationship
Based off a small clip duftmon sent me! Hehe~ Keigo gets turned on when user worries about him, he can’t help but get hard.
NSFW, established relationship
After getting matching bunny onesies Keigo can’t help but want to fuck user like rabbits, constant, nonstop and until all they can do is tremble and whine as he drives his cock into them.
Angst, Fluff
Hearing that Mirko dumped keigo because she just wasn’t feeling it, user went to go check in on keigo seeing him sobbing, eating fried chicken by the mouth full and watching the latest articles on Mirko. It’s not that they were together long, he just… didn’t t like feeling abandoned.
Fantasy AU, Angst, ex-prince!keigo, royal heir!user
He had plans to take his rightful place back, the masquerade ball he planned to kill the ones that stole his throne starting with the kings child. However… he finds himself hesitant at the ball, dancing with them he started to wonder if maybe he’s making a mistake?
Fantasy AU, ex-prince!keigo, servant!keigo, royal heir!user
After the throne was ripped from his rightful hands he was made to be a lowly servant as further humiliation. He couldn’t stand the kings heir.
NSFW, multiple characters: Keigo & Rumi
Rumi had a little idea, Keigo feeds off her mischief… being a bad influence on each other they can’t help but mercilessly tease user by being little bunny helpers around the house.
Angst, Fluff, servant!keigo, disabled!user
The royal families heir was never seen, little did they know it was out of shame. When Keigo was assigned to play the part of a butler after the loss of his wings, at first he thought it was to mock his loss of position until he realized he was being responsible for someone precious..
obsessive!keigo, stalker!keigo
After he and user ended on ugly terms, he couldn’t help but stalk user on social media. Text them on new accounts he had to make after being blocked again and again.. Maybe he learned their schedule, where they went and made excuses to patrol there more often so he could bump into them. Maybe he wanted them back.
During user’s birthday celebration their boyfriend drags them off after having too much To drink. Keigo wanting to check in walks in on the boyfriend being violent…
established relationship, edating, loser!keigo
Being worth billions of yen and tired of doing hero work- he finds the perfect excuse to slack off for a very long vacation he didn’t plan to go back from. It all started with a silly game and meeting user, now he spends almost every day playing the game just to see them…
Angst, Multiple Characters: Keigo & Tomura
Classic drama set up, Keigo loves user, user loves a villain and the villain loves himself. How tragic, except maybe Keigo can take advantage of this situation for both work and pleasure.
NSFW, villain!user
Dabi can't sleep because he's thinking of you.
Angst/fluff, comfort, villain!user
Dabi comforts anxious user.
You make a villain feel all light.
He wanted to mess with you, but he didn't think you'd get this turned on.
NSFW, established relationship
User wanted to be chained up. Dabi was more than happy to oblige.
NSFW, established relationship, hero!user
Dabi gets holy with you in a confession booth.
Dabi eats you out. Keep quiet if you don’t wanna be caught with your legs spread for him.
NSFW, established relationship
He wants to see your pretty face while you're cumming for him.
NSFW, established relationship
You went out to intentionally make him jealous. Now you’re on your knees for him. What’d you expect?
Fluff, sick!user
User is sick. Luckily, Dabi’s there to take care of them.
Angst, ex-hero!user, Hanahaki!user
Hanahaki Disease is a fictional disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings, or when the victim dies.
He doesn’t really care, but you knew that, didn’t you? Well, now you do.
Angst, hero!user, Hanahaki!Dabi
Hanahaki Disease is a fictional disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings, or when the victim dies.
Really..? Falling in love with a hero?
NSFW, Maid!Dabi
He may have lost the bet, but damn, he’s winning in that outfit.
Alternate universe || After the war quirks were deemed dangerous, most of the population has been “fixed” but the sole few. Those few, heroes, villains, civilians, both good and bad, are put into underground facilities to be studied, tested on, and locked away.
Angst, comfort, hurt!Dabi
Dabi has been having flashbacks again, can you comfort this monster?
NSFW, Omegaverse, omega/hero!user, alpha!dabi
User got left behind after a mission, and was found by Dabi at the worst possble time.
NSFW, Omegaverse, alpha!user, omega!Dabi
Dabi went into heat while on a mission, and was found by user at a bad time.
Yandere!user, captured!Dabi
User kidnaps Dabi, but it's for his own good! He'll learn- He'll know how much you love him.
That smile you gave to him- it was his, and his alone. He wouldn't give you the option to smile like that to anyone else.
Dabi & Keigo Established poly relationship, multiple characters, Virgin smoker!user
Smoking with your two boyfriends.
Fluff, drunk!Dabi
Endeavor goes to prison, and Dabi goes out drinking to celebrate.
Fluff, established relationship, drunk!user
Dabi comes home to a wasted user.
Fluff, stoner!Dabi
You tried to out-smoke Dabi. Do you really think this is a good idea?
Zombie Apocalypse AU
Rule five of surviving the apocalypse: travel light. Overpacking can make it harder to run.
Dabi gets shrunk during a fight, and now he has to listen to User teasing him until he's back to normal.
Beach day!!
Fluff, multiple characters, hero!user
Aizawa and User have been assigned to rehabilitate Dabi, and they’re all living together in the meantime.
User wanted to sit but Dabi was too busy having a one man parade, if he won’t move then fine! They’ll just sit on him- wait what do you mean that turns him on?!
Angst, established relationship, deaf!user
User suffers an injury during the war that leaves them deaf.
NSFW, established relationship, civilian!user
Car sex with Dabi.
Fantasy AU, dragon!dabi
User falls into the dragon's den by mistake.
Established relationship, werewolf!Dabi
User finally finds out why their boyfriend acts a bit strange at times.
Angst, established relationship, mute!user
User suffers an injury during the war that leaves them unable to speak.
NSFW, established relationship
Dabi lets user sit on his lap.
Angst, fluff, captured hero!user, multiple characters
User is a captured hero that the villains take a twisted liking to. Dabi and shigaraki seem to like having a little hero pet around.
Horror, established relationship, serial killer!Dabi
User knows he kills for fun, he doesn’t know they know.
Fluff, multiple characters, established relationship
User wanted to match shirts. Keigo was all for it, but Toya was.. reluctant.
User has been switching bodies with someone every two days. Neither person knows what’s going on, but man is it annoying.
NSFW, Angst, established relationship
Dabi slips up and says someone else’s name during sex.
Angst, corrupted!user
All for one is upset hearing and noticing how much softer the league was getting with user around, maybe if he made them less disobedient and more willing to listen.
Shit Post
User finds their edibles missing and their boyfriends in a… storage container hidden in an alleyway eating ramen?
Angst, captured!user, vigilante!user
User was a vigilante, keigo a hero and dabi a villain… despite dabi and user knowing keigo is a spy they seemed to be in a silent truce. Casually hanging out… sharing drinks, snacks watching movies…but what if the silent truce was at stake?
NSFW, rehabilitated!Dabi, hero!user, established relationship
User gets the filthiest video during a hero meeting… Toya is supposed to be rehabilitated and here he was moaning their name shamelessly touching himself.
NSFW, Public sex, established relationship
User and Toya have been dating, sucking his dick in an alleyway is fine right?
NSFW, established relationship
User had a rough night, so why wouldn’t their boyfriend try to help?
NSFW, established relationship
User wants his attention, they just have to work a little harder for it. Having to needily whine and rub against his thigh.
Angst, established!relationship, ghost!user
Dabi loses his temper, unknowingly causing a series of events to burn their shared home down. The only problem was he didn’t even know user was home until it was too late.
Comedy NSFW, villain!user
One thing Toya hates more than heroes? Losing a bet to one, so when user challenged him saying he wouldn’t dare wear.
User and dabi had been smoking, grinding and getting a little… rough…. Fuck and those piercings…
established relationship, MPREG!Dabi
2K follows special!
...What more needs to be said?
NSFW, established relationsip, wolf!dabi
Being hit with a quirk that gave him these damn ears and tail seems to… fuel his prey and predator kink, he almost wants to know what it’s like to ‘hunt’ his little firefly.
Angst, SA Comfort
They were part of the league, part of their group. Which meant part of their protection, Toya went to a nightclub with the league to unwind before the war and catches some asshole forcing his hands on user.
Angst, Asylum AU, psychologist!user
What’s worse than landing in another world? Being sent to an asylum for being crazy, and being sent to the worse asylum because of his very very clear self harm tendencies… but how come this under developed world is capable of fixing his skin despite the one he’s from?
Toya had gotten roughed up a little too much by some heroes, coming back his staples were all kinds of fucked up… so user offers to help him fix them.
It’s Toya’s birthday and what’s better than finding a new street friend? Adding the little guy to the family Toya needs help naming the cat.
NSFW, established relationship, bottom!dabi
He couldn’t take the teasing anymore, but how did he end up here being the bottom? Was that him whimpering? Did he just beg ? What’s happening?
Fluff, established relationship, user is scared of thunder
Toya was wondering why user wouldn’t leave their room all day, checking in on them he noticed them trembling under their blankets. Quietly he grabs a random book and begins to read to them.
Having a camera Toya fiddles before realizing- he hardly has photos of user. That simply will not do.
Self harm/anxiety comfort, established relationship
User's having a hard time, and Aizawa's there to comfort them.
Aizawa falls into another dimension.
Alternate universe || After the war quirks were deemed dangerous, most of the population has been “fixed” but the sole few. Those few, heroes, villains, civilians, both good and bad, are put into underground facilities to be studied, tested on, and locked away.
Comfort, fluff, established relationship, anxious!user
User is feeling anxious, and Aizawa is there to take care of them.
You pissed him off. What happens now is on you ¯_(ツ)_/¯
NSFW, villain!user
You tried to steal from the wrong person.
NSFW, established relationship, dom!user
For once, you had Aizawa underneath you begging.
NSFW, established relationship
Riding Aizawa.
Angst, UA teacher!user, Hanahaki!user
Hanahaki Disease is a fictional disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings, or when the victim dies.
Angst, UA Counsellor!user, Hanahaki!Aizawa
Hanahaki Disease is a fictional disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings, or when the victim dies.
NSFW, Maid!Aizawa
He may have lost the bet, but there’s no way he’s letting you top him tonight.
Angst, comfort, hurt!Aizawa
Aizawa is feeling a bit helpless with his weakened quirk.
NSFW, Omegaverse, omega/teacher user, alpha!Aizawa
User forgets their suppressants and goes into heat in the middle of a faculty meeting.
NSFW, Omegaverse, alpha!user, omega!Aizawa
Aizawa forgot his suppressants and now he's gone into heat.
NSFW, established relationship, cock worshiping
You've been bratty, so now Aizawa has you on your knees.
Yandere!user, captured!Aizawa
User has been stalking Aizawa, leaving him paranoid, and isolating him before taking him for themself,
Yandere!Aizawa, villain!user
Aizawa is assigned to bring user in, but he becomes obsessed, and decides to keep you for himself.
User isn't doing great, so Aizawa’s there to help a friend out.
Fluff, established relationship, drunk!Aizawa
Aizawa gets drunk, leaving user to take care of him.
Fluff, established relationship, drunk!user
User gets wasted, and Aizawa goes to take care of them.
Fluff, high!user
Aizawa catches user smoking and they tell him not to tell himself.
Zombie Apocalypse AU
Two taps to the head and they're dead, right?
Aizawa got shrunk by a villain, so he went to his fellow hero for help-- now he has to deal with their teasing.
Beach day!!
Fluff, Hizashi + Aizawa established poly relationship, multiple characters
Doing each others hair!
Fluff, multiple characters, hero!user
Aizawa and User have been assigned to rehabilitate Dabi, and they’re all living together in the meantime.
Aizawa and User have been assigned to rehabilitate Shigaraki, and they’re all living together in the meantime.
Fluff, multiple characters
User and Keigo sometimes fight, good thing Aizawa is there.
Fluff, established relationship
Secret relationship.
Angst, established relationship, blind!user
User suffers an injury during the war that leaves them blind.
Fluff, established relationship
Face masks with Aizawa.
NSFW, established relationship
Car sex with Aizawa.
Teacher’s assistant!user, addict!user
User relapsed, and ended up at a club. Aizawa goes to take care of them.
Angst, established relationship, amnesia!user
User’s mind was left scrambled after the war, and despite Aizawa being there for them through it all, it was still hard.
Angst, UA staff!user, suicidal!user
User was ready to go. Aizawa wasn’t ready to let them.
Angst, traitor!user
Betrayal from one of his students, that hurt like hell. But when he found out you were a traitor too? That, that was so much worse.
NSFW, established relationship, phone sex
He might be miles away, but he can still punish you for breaking his rules.
Angst, sick!user
User gets infected with a lab-made plague, causing the dorm to go on lockdown, and forcing user into quarantine.
established relationship, sugardaddy!aizawa
Ms. Joke made a comment about him being 'too old for a relationship', so why not buy one?
Angst, injured!user
User tried to protect the UA students, but they ended up getting gravely injured.
Horror, established relationship, serial killer!Aizawa
Aizawa has gotten addicted to a sick sick thrill, but can he hide that from his beautiful partner?
Angst, corrupted!user
User gets kidnapped by one of AFO’s lackies as a retaliation against erasure.. when Shōta finds them it’s nearly important to get them back.
NSFW, established relationship
Dressed up all pretty and chained, shota needs to train his little kitty to not act out again.
NSFW, vigilante!user
User is a vigilante that has a regeneration quirk that prevents them from dying, thanks to this they’ve grown to not feel pain as much.During their fight after user ruins aizawa’s mission and taunts him he went from trying to murder user to.. enjoying them looking all breathless- crazed from the thrill of their fig- oh they’re fucking.
Angst, suicidal!user
User had lost everything, again.. and again and again a again… to the point where they realize there wasn’t ever a reason in the first place.
NSFW, established relationship
User hasn’t been behaving like they were supposed to, so let’s fix that while on a faculty meeting call.
Fluff, established relationship
The war is over, everyone is back to normal and it’s been eight years since all for ones defeat. Now shota finally gets to enjoy life, with user.
Angst, established!relationship, ghost!user
During the battle against shigaraki, trying to keep him occupied while izuku arrived. They didn’t lose only one hero that day, aizawa also lost his Fiance… all because of his choice to bring them to the front lines…
User got quite the pic from aizawa who seems to be in the mood, demanding that come over since his hand isn’t nearly enough.
established relationship, MPREG!Aizawa
2.5K follows special!
So when aizawa got his diagnosis, how long could he hide it from user? After all how could he admit he was pregnant?...What more needs to be said?
NSFW, established relationship
Out of habit for caring too much over his partner, he decides to take care of their messy hair. However when the brush gets snagged a second he accidentally pulled their hair and… oh?
NSFW, established relationship, phone sex?
After user leaves a..yummy voicemail while he was at work. He comes home to listen to it.. over and over and over.. fuck..
Angst, established relationship
User was trying to make it to the safe haven of UA campus, however before they could make it shiagraki’s decay hit the area around them… they did everything they could to protect the people with them as shota would have, and as shota holds them he’s able to hear the few words they can speak. Hoping it’s not their last…
Fluff, established relationship
User wanted to surprise aizawa with a fully decorated house, except he was well aware since they weren’t very.. quiet. However he was jolted out of bed hearing a whine thinking they hurt themself…
Angst, Asylum AU, psychologist!user
Falling into another world was surreal but what happens when they think he’s crazy? And he gets locked up in an asylum can he charm his way out or will he have to use his old skills?
Fluff, established relationship
Waking up to the smell of coffee, the kitten purring and the sounds of a page turning… being married to shota aizawa wasn’t bad at all, in fact it was.. comforting.
Aizawa’s little brat forgot who they belonged to, after watching them get all friendly with Hizashi of all people…he’ll just have to remind them who holds the end of their leash.
Create your own scenario
Angst, villain!user, Hanahaki!user
Hanahaki Disease is a fictional disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings, or when the victim dies.
You betrayed him, but he hasn’t given up on you.
Angst, UA Counsellor!user, HanahakiToshinori
Hanahaki Disease is a fictional disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings, or when the victim dies.
He finally has all the time in the world, and yet he still can’t get your attention.
NSFW, Maid!Toshinori
He lost the bet.
Alternate universe || After the war quirks were deemed dangerous, most of the population has been “fixed” but the sole few. Those few, heroes, villains, civilians, both good and bad, are put into underground facilities to be studied, tested on, and locked away.
Angst, comfort, hurt!Toshinori
Toshinori has been struggling with his wound lately, he knows it only a matter of time before he succumbs to it but now he’s worried he might not have enough time for his successor.
NSFW, Omegaverse, omega/teacher user, alpha!Toshinori
Toshinori realizes user is in heat, and he can't help but be drawn in.
NSFW, Omegaverse, alpha/roommate!user, omega!Toshinori
Toshinori is in heat. He didn't hear the sound of user coming back home.
Yandere!user, healer/medic!user
User takes advantage of Toshinori's injured state and takes their beloved home.
Yandere!Toshinori, UA teacher!user
Toshinori makes user think villains are after them so they'd run into his arms.
Fluff, Drunk!Toshinori
Toshinori gets wasted and starts flirting with user.
Fluff, established relationship, drunk!user
User gets wasted and Toshinori takes care of them.
Fluff, established relationship, high!user
User gets high and insists that Toshinori looks like a bunny with his hair.
Zombie Apocalypse AU
Rule three of surviving the apocalypse: beware of bathrooms
Chibi!Toshinori, villain!user
User shrinks All Might, not to kill him, but.. to see if his smashes still hurt when he's small.
Beach day!!
NSFW, Aizawa + Toshinori established poly relationship, multiple characters
Aizawa throws you under the bus.
Angst, newly quirkless!user
User lost their quirk during the war, and now Toshinori's left to comfort them.
He wants to understand the songs you listen to so excitedly. Maybe “Attention” by Doja Cat probably wasn’t the best start.
Angst, sick!user
User gets infected with a lab-made plague that was sealed in what looked like a love letter.
NSFW, Stripper!user
Toshinori is pretty tense, so he asks Hawks for advice on how to destress.
Angst, suicidal!user
User was ready to go. Toshinori wasn’t ready to let them.
Angst, corrupted!user
First it was shigaraki and now… now AFO has corrupted the memories of user.. what more could he lose?
NSFW, established relationship
No, user cannot wait until their home to do all the spicy things, they wanna do them now!
Fluff, hero!user, Halloween party
Being invited to a Halloween party with fellow pro heroes, it’s safe to say user didn’t expect it to be this many people.
Fluff, established relationship, MPREG!Toshinori
3500 torture✨ im a bit late on this one but, here you go~ gahhh getting your Fiance pregnant somehow… oh this’ll be awkward to explain…
Beach day!!
You've got her attention. It's what you wanted, isn't it?
User has a rabbit wrapped around their finger.
Rumi got shrunk by a villain, so she goes to see her friend, User.
Zombie Apocalypse AU
Angst, Hanahaki!Rumi
Hanahaki Disease is a fictional disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings, or when the victim dies.
She’s not a soft woman at all, so that’s why it’s so surprising when you realize love is the one key thing slowing her down.
The hero commissioner entrusted their heir to Keigo and Rumi’s watch. What could go wrong?
Angst, ex-hero!user, disabled!user
Rumi pushes user too far, and it leaves them unable to complete simple tasks.
NSFW, established relationship
User is needy and rumi usually loves to indulge but this time she wanted to see them get off on her thigh.
Angst, Dying!user
They won against shigaraki but at what cost, when she sees them she can’t seem to understand there’s no coming back. She demands them to stay even though they have no choice but to go.
NSFW, multiple characters: Keigo & Rumi
Rumi had a little idea, Keigo feeds off her mischief… being a bad influence on each other they can’t help but mercilessly tease user by being little bunny helpers around the house.
You’re so pathetic.. he loves you.
NSFW, established relationship, villain!user
He’s had a bad day. Why not let him bend you over and pound you?
Angst, Hanahaki!user
Hanahaki Disease is a fictional disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings, or when the victim dies.
Angst, prison guard!user, Hanahaki!Shigaraki
Hanahaki Disease is a fictional disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings, or when the victim dies.
You know what a shitty person he is, so why do you still smile at him?
Fluff/comfort, villain!user
Shigaraki noticed that user was acting a little bit off, so he goes to talk to them.
NSFW, Maid!Shigaraki
He lost the bet.
Alternate universe || After the war quirks were deemed dangerous, most of the population has been “fixed” but the sole few. Those few, heroes, villains, civilians, both good and bad, are put into underground facilities to be studied, tested on, and locked away.
Angst, comfort, hurt!Shigaraki
Shigaraki has a flare up and starts silently panicking and hating himself for his skin.
NSFW, Omegaverse, omega/villain!user, alpha!Shigaraki
User is an omega who recently joined the league, they pretended and masked fairly well as an alpha until one day they ran out of their perfume and suppressants.
NSFW, Omegaverse, alpha/villain!user, omega!Shigaraki
Shigaraki sends everyone out on missions while he goes into heat. He didn't realize that someone had come home early.
User is a dormant yandere. Shigaraki is aware of their twisted mind and avoids triggering it incase it might turn on him.
Yandere!Shigaraki, caged hero!user
Shigaraki captures user and keeps them in a cage. They just look too pretty to let fly freely.
Fluff, established relationship, drunk!Shigaraki
The League of Villains goes out drinking to celebrate a victory, and Shigaraki comes home wasted.
Fluff, established relationship, drunk!user
User is drunk, and gets extra clingy and affectionate. Shigaraki would never admit how much he loves it.
Fluff, high!user, Stoner!Shigaraki
User greens out and Shigaraki helps them stay calm by playing a video game together.
Zombie Apocalypse AU
Rule four to surviving the apocalypse: Buckle Up.
Established relationship, Chibi!Shigaraki
Shigaraki gets shrunk, so he goes to see his partner so they could hold him.
Beach day!!
Aizawa and User have been assigned to rehabilitate Shigaraki, and they’re all living together in the meantime.
NSFW, established relationship
Shigaraki loves seeing you strip for him.
Angst, fluff, captured hero!user, multiple characters
User is a captured hero that the villains take a twisted liking to. Dabi and shigaraki seem to like having a little hero pet around.
NSFW, angst, mutiple characters, hero!user
User is a hero, keigo’s closest friend… but little does he know they have an agreement with the deadly shigaraki. Their body for keigo’s safety, what happens if he gets suspicious?
Angst, established relationship, mute!user
Shigaraki accidentally causes an injury that leaves user unable to speak.
Fluff, established relationship
Face masks with shigaraki!
Comedy, established relationship, villain!user, cannibal!user
Shigaraki can’t always tell when user is joking.
NSFW, established relationship
User discovers shigaraki has a choking kink.
established relationship, sugarbaby!shigaraki
You like to spoil him<3
User has been so… annoying! Shigaraki lashed out the moment he felt like he was softening up, trying to kill user to erase any weak links he realized quickly that his decay doesn’t work on them.
Angst, established!relationship, ghost!user
During the rush of a battle shigaraki lost control of his quirk and endangers user.. when he tries to save them he ends up decaying them.
NSFW, established relationship
User is horny, shigaraki wants to beat this boss in his game. Solution? Thigh riding, he wins and he’ll pound you, if he loses… well… you’ll still be pounded but fuck will you not be able to walk.
Fluff, hero!user
Shigaraki had been so secretive of his little get together with user, especially since he was supposed to be a leader- in charge and ontop of things not banging the living hell out of the hero he met when the league merged with those traitorous heroes. Or maybe he thought he was being secretive..
Fluff, Minecraft with Shigaraki
When he tries finding friends after being called friendless (again) he seems to fall in love with user.. to bad they don’t know who he really is.
Fluff, established relationship, clingy!user
Shigaraki only has one soft spot, user. And as always, even during a serious meeting with the yakuza he allows them to drape onto his lap.
NSFW, established relationship
User sees shigaraki’s outfit from one of his little ‘secret spy’ missions. And politely asks him to sit on them- except he had a better idea.
Fluff, established relationship
Making shigaraki go on a little date he slowly begins to enjoy it with user, they even catch him smiling at some figurines from a video game he plays.
Angst, SA Comfort
Tomura isn’t one for comfort, not at all really but.. when he began to grow close with user he noticed one day they started acting different. Worried he tried to understand on his own, but once he started to get the hint he wasn’t going to let them out of his sight again.
Fluff, established relationship
He’s never celebrated nor has he ever understood why people did. So when the league arrives with a Christmas tree and a bunch of decorations… he’s dragged along to help only because he wanted user to be happy.
NSFW, established relationship
They always played with his gloved hands, always seen slipping their fingers to touch his palm, always shivering when his hands touched them… so why not make them fuck themselves on his fingers while he watched?
Comedy, established relationship, MPREG!Shiggy
Listen, sometimes quirks work in funny ways and affect anatomy. After getting shigaraki pregnant- much to his horror, he realized just how much he can get away with. Thought the impending anxiety of where this child will come from, he’ll try to hide it with constant eating or demands from his partner.
Angst, Asylum AU, psychologist!user
Is it possible to undo everything all for one had done? Was it even safe to interact with him anymore? After the defeat of the league and the capture of shigaraki it was hard to tell if tenko was even in there anymore.
Angst, Multiple Characters: Keigo & Tomura
Classic drama set up, Keigo loves user, user loves a villain and the villain loves himself. How tragic, except maybe Keigo can take advantage of this situation for both work and pleasure.
Fluff, sidekick hero!user
Amajiki gets a new sidekick at his agency, but he has no idea how to talk to them.
Zombie Apocalypse AU, angst
Why did he survive, when his friends didn't? This wasn't fair. He wasn't good enough on his own. He couldn't do it without them.
NSFW, established relationship
Amajiki gets jealous seeing you talk to someone else, so he fucks you to remind you who you belong to.
Angst, suicidal!user
User was ready to go. Amajiki wasn’t ready to let them.
Angst, Fluff, Villain!user
User grew up with Tamaki, not as close as the others but close enough for him to remember them and stay friends in the newer chapters of their lives. But… user isn’t a hero like they both dreamed to be, they were secretly a villain. Of course they wouldn’t tell Tamaki… they couldn’t, he was too sweet.
NSFW, established relationship
Amajiki is perfect for grinding, why? One word. Tentacles.
NSFW, established relationship
User comes home to see their boyfriend trying on… lingerie? Wait was that.. from their closet? And why does he look better in it?!
Fluff, Drunk!Hizashi
Singing battle with Hizashi! Safe to say that you'll probably lose.
Fluff, established relationship, drunk!user
User goes out with some friends and gets drunk. Hizashi gets worried and takes them home.
Angst, Hanahaki!Hizashi
Hanahaki Disease is a fictional disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings, or when the victim dies.
Hanahaki Disease is a fictional disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings, or when the victim dies.
Angst, Hanahaki!user, UA teacher!user
Hanahaki Disease is a fictional disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings, or when the victim dies.
NSFW, Omegaverse, roommate/omega!user, alpha!Hizashi
Hamada realizes his roommate is in heat, and he can't help but be drawn in.
NSFW, Omegaverse, alpha/roommate!user, omega!Hizashi
Hizashi is in heat. He didn't hear the sound of user coming back home.
Yandere!user, Stockholmed!Hizashi
User kidnaps Hizashi to show him their love for him, and he starts to believe it.
NSFW, Yandere!Hizashi
Hizashi makes user sing some pretty notes while he shows them who they belong to.
Fluff, stoner!Hizashi
Smoking with Hizashi.
Zombie Apocalypse AU
Rule one to surviving the apocalypse: cardio. Can't be that hard, right?
Hizashi got shrunk during a villain battle, and now he's trying to find someone to help him before he gets stepped on.
Beach day!!
Fluff, Hizashi + Aizawa established poly relationship, multiple characters
Doing each others hair!
Angst, brainwashed!user
User was brainwashed by All For One, and Hizashi hated seeing this happen all over again.
Angst, Fluff
While decorating the tree together he finds user had made an old photo into an ornament. He can’t stop the tears from flowing but he’s happy his rockstar thinks of him.
NSFW, established relationship
It’s raining heavily and there’s nothing to do, powers out, candles lit. He couldn’t let them go home so… why not try to bring some fun into it with wholesome board games? What? They’re gambling? How cu-oh god it’s a stripping game.
Asylum AU, psychiatrist!user
User is the group therapist! Unfortunately yamada likes them quite a bit and is doing way too much to keep their attention.
Fluff, established relationship, high!user
Tsunagu cam home to user smoking.
Chibi!Tsunagu, hero sidekick!user
Tsunagu gets shrunk during a villain fight, and now has to deal with his ally, User, making fun of him.
Beach day!!
Taishiro "Fat Gum" Toyomitsu
Comfort, hero!user
User has been snappy, and started isolating themself. Taishirō refused to let them push him away too.
Atsuhiro "Mr. Compress" Sako
Comfort, villain!user
User fucks up on a mission and Sako comforts them
NSFW, villain!user
They were new to the league! What better welcome then to personally show them a very… intimate magic show.. he can’t help if they make a mess of themselves.
It’s that time of year and seeing the season weigh down his favorite muse won’t do! He’ll cheer them up with some Christmas magic!
Nemuri "Midnight" Kayama
NSFW, villain!user
Midnight finally captures user, and decides to punish them.
Kaina "Lady Nagant" Tsutsumi
NSFW, established relationship
She’s had enough of user’s attitude, so she’ll put their mouth to better use squeezed between her thighs.
Nana Shimura
Fluff, rehab-villain!user
what if nana lived and was taking care of user who clearly isn’t taking care of themselves.
All For One
NSFW in intro, Angst, established relationship, body shaming
Not knowing who he truly was, user falls in love with a man who seems to only have one goal in mind. Pass the time until his successor took over the world while he played house with user. But after finally getting intimate, because he felt like it. He realizes he could have them with him in the new world.If they were… better looking.
Angst, yandere!AFO
They needed him, and he was going to make sure they’re aware of that one way or another. So he set up a little plan to make sure they’re aware they can’t stray too far
Car sex with Endeavor.
Angst, deaf!user
Dabi injures user in the fight, and Enji is left to help them heal.
Angst, disabled!user
Enji doesn’t remember hurting them. But he’s not the one with the scars, is he?
NSFW, multiple characters, established poly relationship w/ Keigo and Enji
User was a hero because of Keigo, Keigo was a hero because of Enji and Enji… Enji went from a hateful terrible bastard to a man trying to repent and make sure these two idiots stop bickering or fucking each other every two seconds- but this time they roped him into it… not a good idea to tease a real pent up guy.
NSFW, established relationship
Enji said something along the lines of being displeased- user thinking it was because of them gets desperate to make him like them again.. he doesn’t fully get it until they’re already begging and squirming while rutting against his thigh like a pathetic whore.
NSFW, established relationship(enji), cheating, threesome
What’s worse then fucking up one persons life? Another! Enji isn’t the best husband but that’s mostly because he’s relearning to be better- and user suspects he might like hawks more them! Well… if that’s the case why not beat him to the finish line?
Fluff, established relationship
Izuku isn’t intending to do it but, he can’t help it when user bats their eyelashes or smiles at an object they adore. His wallet just happens to float out of his pocket.
angst, hanahaki!izuku
Hanahaki Disease is a fictional disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings, or when the victim dies.
He loves them so much but he doesn’t have the courage to confess, he faced down villains, faced death and saw tragedy after tragedy yet when it came to confessing his feelings he just… panics.
NSFW, insecure!user
He didn’t like hearing user talk down about themself, so he took matters into his own hands.
Ever since user got close to izuku after graduation he couldn’t stop himself from getting obsessive.. it would be better if he used his influence to keep them to himself.
He loves user so much, but his worry of them being targeted or… people going after them or worse.. his reputation being ruined makes him too ashamed to tell the public he was their boyfriend.
Fluff, multiple characters, roommates!Izuku & Katsuki
User gets a message from their two roommates who are usually constantly fighting, surprised by the silly photo they sent after defeating a villain. User demands them to hurry home.
Alternate universe || After the war quirks were deemed dangerous, most of the population has been “fixed” but the sole few. Those few, heroes, villains, civilians, both good and bad, are put into underground facilities to be studied, tested on, and locked away.
Zombie Apocolypse AU
It hurts, holding them tightly to his chest he could feel them growing cold. Having grown up with user, graduated and became heroes, saved and suffered through the apocalypse together.. he’s afraid with the reality that someday he might have to say goodbye.
NSFW, established relationship
After days and days of nonstop hero work his love life took that swan dive off the roof- metaphorically. Finally getting the weekend off he surprises user by giving them a display of his built figure and those teasing words of his..
Angst, established relationship, yandere!user
He was used to it by now, but he couldn’t help but worry every now and again. After all, having a dormant yandere as a partner isn’t the safest option but damn does he love them.
NSFW, fluff, established relationship, trans FTM!user
Dating for a long time he was fine that user wasn’t ever really ready for intimacy, however when he fully understood why they were anxious he can’t help but remind them that their body doesn’t define his love for them.
NSFW, established relationship
Conference calls were common with the teaching job, currently they were discussing the school fesitval. While aizawa droned on and one about how izuku should handle his class… user seems to get tired of being ignored. Wiggling on his lap izuku has to balance giving them attention and making sure work doesn’t know his hands are… busy…
Fluff, established relationship, chibi!izuku
So he might’ve gotten hit with a quirk from one of his students requiring user to come pick up their.. now pocket sized husband. But why he look so goofy?
Asylum AU, psychologist!user
Being captured in another dimension he knew he was fucked, he tried so hard to get back home only to end up in an asylum. Thanks to how cute he is though, he gets pretty pampered.
Fluff, established relationship
user finds out izuku’s side hobby for pottery, curious they want to learn as a way to get closer to him.
NSFW, Omegaverse AU, alpha!izuku, omega!user
Izuku went into his rut and went home early to handle himself, worried his coworker/friend came by to check on him.. unaware of just what they were walking into.
Izuku forgets he gave user permission to enter his apartment whenever, so he panics hearing the door while he was jacking it to their photos.
Angst, user fakes their death
Based off BBC Sherlock Holmes, User is faced with a choice. Everyone they love dead or killing themself. Thankfully they had a whole plan to fake their death to protect him… but was it too far?
Fluff, established relationship, injured!izuku
Deku comes home after a grueling day of hero work, user takes their time to patch him up but with kisses in between ✨
Fluff, established relationship, sugardaddy!bakugo
After the war Katsuki came into… a shit ton of money for multiple reasons, so why wouldn’t he spoil his little fuckhead princess?
angst, hanahaki!bakugo
Hanahaki Disease is a fictional disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings, or when the victim dies.
He liked the stupid coffee shop owner but they hardly ever remembered him when he came in, even when he was one of the top three! What the hell?!
NSFW, established relationship, self-conscious!user
Katsuki has had a long fucking week, finally able to sleep in for once he wakes up hearing his partner mumbling to their reflection- words of disgust and hatred. Thata not gunna do, not on his watch.
Fluff, multiple characters, roommates!Katsuki & Izuku
User gets a message from their two roommates who are usually constantly fighting, surprised by the silly photo they sent after defeating a villain. User demands them to hurry home.
Alternate universe || After the war quirks were deemed dangerous, most of the population has been “fixed” but the sole few. Those few, heroes, villains, civilians, both good and bad, are put into underground facilities to be studied, tested on, and locked away.
Zombie Apocalypse AU
Needing supplies Katsuki goes with his usual crew back to UA hoping that something might still be available for them to take.
Angst, yandere!katsuki
Katsuki was known to be selfish, especially when it came to what he wanted- like user. Unfortunately that idiot Denki was in the way, so during a hang out he got rid of him in his own fashion- not expecting user to come to see their boyfriend. But now he had them all to himself.
Every day after patrol his locker is stuffed full of creepy love letters, if only he knew where they were coming from… or how they knew things about him.
Asylum AU, psychologist AU
Falling in another world he was deemed crazy and locked up for claiming to be from a world full of heroes. Determined to not hurt people he plays along both to keep his quirk safe and to find a way home.
chibi!kaatsuki, villain!user
Maybe using the shrink ray the doc made wasn’t the best idea to use on the most anger induced hero, even tiny his explosions can hurt like a bitch!
Fluff, sugardaddy!shoto
Shoto wasn't good with love, his only example he had was his parents and clearly….yeah no, but he did get some help from his mentors and - a little from his dad to keep user happy and satisfied
Angst, hanahaki!shoto
Hanahaki Disease is a fictional disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings, or when the victim dies.
Shoto wasn’t used to allowing himself to feel normal emotions, even after all his growth and progress it was… a scary thing to fall in love. So scary he was dying from it.
NSFW, established relationship, self-conscious!user
Overhearing some other people talking about his relationship with user, he feels guilty hearing that other people assume he doesn’t care about them. Granted they seem fine but… it’s never a bad thing to be extra sure.
Alternate universe || After the war quirks were deemed dangerous, most of the population has been “fixed” but the sole few. Those few, heroes, villains, civilians, both good and bad, are put into underground facilities to be studied, tested on, and locked away.
fluff, established relationship, sugardaddy!shinso
In which shinso gets a sugar baby to try and seem more appealing to the public eye, but fuck did they have to be so cute?
Angst, Hanahaki!Shinso
Hanahaki Disease is a fictional disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings, or when the victim dies.
NSFW, established relationship, exhibition kink
He just loves every inch of user, getting impatient he starts to play with them in the middle of his own gaming match while the screen loads
Alternate universe || After the war quirks were deemed dangerous, most of the population has been “fixed” but the sole few. Those few, heroes, villains, civilians, both good and bad, are put into underground facilities to be studied, tested on, and locked away.
Zombie Apocolypse AU
Being a loner Hitoshi never expected much, sure he’s ran into groups and if they were kind he gave them directions to some safe camps he’s passed but never did he himself want to be in one really.
Angst, yandere!shinso
He’s not a villain for using his quirk to keep user all to himself right? Right? Surely not… they were safer here… with him.. only him.
Angst, Horror, yandere!user, muted!shinso
What’s the worst thing that can happen? Being completely at a villains mercy, worse? He didn’t mind it as much anymore.. even if he should know better, and to make sure he can’t use his quirk.. they made sure he couldn’t speak.
NSFW, Omegaverse AU, alpha!shinso, omega!user
Sometimes suppressants won’t work, or they’re forgotten user learns that the hard way during a sleep over when they go into heat. Shinso seems heavily effected but not turned off.
Fluff, established relationship, chibi!shinso
Oh no! Shinso got turned into a mini and aizawa hand delivers your boyfriend… literally.
Asylum AU, psychiatrist!user
Fell into another world and called crazy trying to get home, he finds himself in a cozy asylum… not only because his quirk won’t work out he people here but also because it’s a form of survival for now.
Heavy angst, user has abusive (now ex)boyfriend
Shinso never liked their boyfriend, and when they called him begging for help he knew he was right to hate that man. Now on his way Shinso has to resist killing the man to focus on user.
Fluff or NSFW, maid café
Losing a bet Hitoshi signs up for work for a maid café for the day, it was only his luck user buys him out for the day.
Suggestive intro, sugardaddy!kirishima
The most manly thing he could think of? Taking care of someone precious! He loves protecting, spoiling and absolutely making damn sure user feels loved under his care.
Angst, hanahaki!kirishima, taken!user
Imagine having a thing for your best friends partner so hard that I kills you, pffft couldn’t be him…nnnever..!
Alternate universe || After the war quirks were deemed dangerous, most of the population has been “fixed” but the sole few. Those few, heroes, villains, civilians, both good and bad, are put into underground facilities to be studied, tested on, and locked away.
Zombie Apocalypse AU
On a journey to UA with the scavenger squad, Kirishima runs into an old friend… well, he just hopes they’re the same as always.
NSFW, Angst, yandere!kirishima
In order to keep him from hurting anyone user does as he says, and in order to make sure you stay obedient… he hovers, he records, makes sure there’s no real escape while keeping an innocent smile around their friends.
Angst, yandere!user
Kirishima tried to break up with his partner, but that won’t do. He had no clue just how bad those villains corrupted user’s mind, and now he’s forced to watch them fall apart more.
Zombie Apocalypse AU
After being assigned to find medicine for their camp, denki runs into someone at the old UA building. Someone or.. something?
Alternate universe || After the war quirks were deemed dangerous, most of the population has been “fixed” but the sole few. Those few, heroes, villains, civilians, both good and bad, are put into underground facilities to be studied, tested on, and locked away.
Denki was user’s ex boyfriend which is fine… except their new partner wasn’t good enough, ohhh nonononono! They were CHEATING on user! That simply won’t do! So while he went to drop off more of users stuff off he had a little gift and a smile~ proud of what he did to protect his precious baby.
Angst, hanahaki!denki, fan!denki, prohero!user
Denki falls in love with someone untouchable, he was a pro hero sure but not nearly as high ranking and worthy as user… so at a convention he leaves his booth to give himself a chance, a race again and illness he has to hide.
Angst, yandere!user, streamer!denki
Being stalked online was to be expected when you’re a streamer, but confiding in his friend he started to realize a lot of similarities to his stalker and his best friend…
Asylum AU, psychiatrist!user
Maybe he’s not taking this as seriously as he should, but can you blame him? This is like a vacation!
User isn’t one to be ignored for video games, of course denki knew that but he was so enthralled by his video games he nearly forgot to give his sparks their attention!
Angst, Angel!user
user wants to help fight against the exorcists and risk everything for Lucifer and his daughter's divine dream
Depression comfort, depressed!user
Lucifer begins to notice the all too familiar signs of depression in user, and goes to comfort them.
User calls Lucifer babygirl coded. He’s extremely confused.
User gives Lucifer an aphrodisiac chocolate to see how long he can hold out
Alastor finds vox’s precious little star, wanting to use every charm in the book to steal them away just to piss vox off- but what if he.. ended up liking them too?
You wonder if he ever stopped smiling, maybe you shouldn’t have tested if you COULD get him to stop but now here you are.
User calls Alastor babygirl coded. He’s.. not having it.
2p is a polar opposite of Alastor. He’s whiney, sexual and submissive.
Alastor got cloned.
Multiple charcters, Alastor + 2p
User summons two demons, both entirely opposite to each other.
NSFW, User is Lucifer
Alastor got fucked up by Aphrodisiacs. Help him out, will you?
Fluff, drunk!user
Chōsō takes care of user while they're drunk.
Chōsō gets flustered with user teasing him.
NSFW, weed
User and Chōsō smoke weed together.
Chōsō comforts user.
NSFW, established relationship
So maybe user got impatient with waiting to be home alone, so maybe they straddled Chōsō's lap innocently only to lightly grind making the poor man struggle to not be super flushed.
NSFW, established relationship
Chōsō lets user take full control, little did he know he was about to get the edging of his life.
Fluff, established relationship
Chōsō lets user play with his hair.
NSFW, established relationship
Maybeee making small comments about other men being hot wasn’t the smartest move, to be fair who knew?
He’s never celebrated Christmas before, so user shows him why it’s fun by taking him to a Christmas parade, a festival and finally at home decorating their own tree- something he’s going to look forward to every year.
Choso while being taken care of user watches as something drops from user’s basket… lace? Purple? Were these….
User is a little too curious, and with choso’s flustered agreement he lets them explore the feeling of his robes…and a peek.
NSFW, user is follower of Geto
Choso had turned on the group when he discovered Kenjaku was the one in control, now siding with his brother Yuji he has to convince the only other person who was kind to him to come with. But it infuriates him to hear them talk so highly of that bastard..
Fluff, stoned!choso
Choso got high on accident and Gojo and Shoko were trying Realllly hard to not let user know so they won’t get mad… but Choso tattles on himself.
He woke up after being sent through a weird portal a special grade opened up, finding himself somewhere he didn’t… understand.
established relationship, tattooartist!choso
Maybe getting a tattoo for the sake of having a hot artist between your legs is the way to go, except this one fully knows you want the thigh tattoo just to spend a few hours with him. Adorable.
NSFW, drugged chocolates
After eating a chocolate meant for Valentine’s Day, he quickly realizes first hand what aphrodisiacs meant… and how they affect a curse like him.
NSFW, established relationship
He heard that couples wear ‘lingerie’ and such for each other on Valentine’s Day, so he went out and bought something after getting some… embarrassing help. Now at home trying to see if it fits, he didn’t expect user to walk in.
fluff/comfort, established relationship
User has a bad day, Sukuna lets them play with his hair.
Hurt/comfort, established relationship, hurt!user
User gets assaulted, and Sukuna makes sure it doesn't happens again.
Fluff, established relationship
User comes home with gifts, sukuna isn’t quite sure how pleased he should act.. but they seemed happy so. Might as well let it happen.
Merry Christmas you pathetic slut, now be a good rabbit and kiss it. It’s under a mistletoe ain’t it?
Fluff, established relationship
Waking up in sukuna’s arms, to him admiring your hands. What an adorable idiot he could be without realizing it.
Angst, Pet!user
Curses now run the world and humans were nothing more than either food, toys or accessories. He needed something for fun at home so he goes shopping, only to be instantly smitten by user’s beauty.
So delicate, so cute, so small compared to him. He couldn’t help it, and the best part? When those adorable soft hands wrapped around his cocks with the most gentlest of touches.
Penpal!user, prisoner!sukuna
After signing up to be a pen pal for a prisoner, user find them… slowly flirting more and more, until finally they come to visit. He looks as good as he writes!
NSFW, vouyer!sukuna
Hearing those soft noises from your room, he realizes quickly that user was playing with themself.. not without him they’re not, so of course he takes it upon himself to watch.
Fluff, plush obsessed!user
Sukuna knew they had a problem, but opening their closet and being buried… perhaps too much of a problem.
Choso gets a bit concerned when he noticed small curses hanging around the only non sorcerer friend he’s made, bruises on them, and suddenly they don’t show when he, Yuji, and them promised to meet at the arcade together.
Angst, sorcerer!user
Choso ran through the closed off zone thanks to the veil the sorcerers put up to keep their enemy inside and civilians out. However he catches a sorcerer he was working with closely only to see they were losing to a special grade- losing badly.
Fluff, roommate!satoru, satoru is a little shit
Satoru decides it’s a little fun to tease user about their height, yes that included putting their precious snacks on the highest shelf so he could watch them shuffle to him pouting as beg for help.- yes he did throw away the step stool.
established relationship, user had a bad day
After having a bad day, satoru finds user pouting and gives them an offer that’s hard to refuse… man boobs
NSFW, multiple characters: Keigo & Satoru
User never believed in magic or witchcraft, as a way to prove it they mockingly make a summoning circle and attempt it twice only to think it doesn’t work. However when they woke up… there’s two men in their bedroom.
It was gunna be a quickie but in the small faculty office but he can’t seem to pull out or stop, watching their body convulse with every orgasm on his cock he was addicted…just… a few more before..
That tight shirt, those trousers… you can see every muscle in his arms and god damn… “daddy..” But wait, was that out loud?
NSFW, Fluff
Baking with user was supposed to be relaxing, he loved his time in the kitchen- he loved food. However feeling a floury slap to his ass… maybe he should teach user to behave.
While training user and Nanami get a little out of hand in their fight- almost like it was getting too real until user rips his suit and… he gets hard, oh they’re fucking.
Despite being his beloved, not even user was safe from his rough handling. He also makes it very clear that no. He will not share you with anyone, especially Gojo.
Fluff, sugardaddy!nanami
He had them around so no one would worry about him being alone, he would pay for whatever user wanted as long as they were by his side. Essentially making him look good but… slowly he was falling.. crashing into their orbit.
Suguru Geto
Slight Angst, stoned!geto
User finds suguru on the balcony of their apartment, how strange for him to seek refuge from one of the people he abandoned for his ‘paradise’
Fluff, stoned!geto
What happens when user finds out their boyfriend had the special brownies at the get together? A disaster that’s what.
Toji fushiguro
Trying to furiously pack to run away to god knows where, an assassin breaks into your home. However despite clearly being able to kill you in an instant, he changes his mind last second.
light NSFW, drunk!user
User gets drunk a bit and can’t help but touch that god damn midriff of his… who cares if Zhongli was right there?
Angst, established relationship
He was perfect at balancing his fatui life with his normal life with user, it was helpful they were kind of an idiot at first but when they finally see him for what he is… what then?
NSFW, guard!user
The duke is usually well composed, until of course he’s at his limit with the idiocy of these new prisoners causing a stir.. hm.. maybe it wouldn’t hurt to pull his favourite guard into his room for a nice.. relaxing snack.
User finds out about THAT ASS and kinda… pretends they’re not any good at fighting so they can watch some.. jiggle jiggle. Oh and it’s hot when he punches someone’s lights out too.
After seeing Wriothesley lose his temper and grab someone by the throat… user gets a little… idea~ and he’s happy to comply.
The prison had a riot (fuck the fact they all respect him, I'm the captain now.) and tied up their warden leaving him vulnerable.
The housekeeper seems a little more enthusiastic to cleaning when it comes to user, aside from the added bonus of them squirming under him he also gets a delicious meal!
NSFW, top!user
He frequents this bar mostly for the owner, but unfortunately he’s wracked up quite the tab and Alhaitham refuses to help when user demands payment. However, they’ll accept other forms of payment…
User gets sick after eating the wrong type of berries while adventuring. He always did tell them to be more mindful, thankfully it’s not serious and fresh soup with garden veggies should do the trick!